Library Resources Pages
Accelerated Reader
Buna Elementary students have access to all Accelerated Reader quizzes available through Renaissance Learning. This program is available to 1st grade – 5th grade students.
The program, entitled Renaissance Place, is a web based program, and allows students to test on any Accelerated Reader book instead of just the ones for which a test has been purchased by the school. This gives students access to thousands of tests. Many books that students have at home and teachers have in their classroom libraries are now available for testing.
Students have an individual username and password for the program which should be kept confidential. Taking a test for another student is not allowed. Points are awarded for each test passed. These points accumulate throughout the school year, and prizes are awarded by the PTA. These prizes are numerous and, depending on points earned, may include a Pizza Party towards the end of the year.
There is a site available which will let you know if a book is on the Accelerated Reader list and, if so, what the Reading Level and Point Value are for the book. The website address is Just type in the title of the book in the search box and hit enter.
Book Fair
Box Tops for Education
The Elementary Library will once again be collecting Box Tops for Education labels.
You can send in Box Tops anytime throughout the school year. The Box Tops should be trimmed, labeled with your child’s name, and sent to the Elementary Library. It’s never too early to begin collecting!
If you are not familiar with the Box Tops Program, the following information may be useful.
Box Tops for Education is a program that supports schools with monetary contributions. For every Box Top label that is turned in, the company will give 10¢ to the Elementary Library. The library has collected Box Top labels for the last eleven years, and has had great success with the program.
A complete list of participating Box Top brands can be found at this website, boxtops4education. You can also sign up on the website to be a Box Top Booster Club member and have chances to earn bonus Box Tops for our school!
Thank you for supporting our Library and your students through this program!!